Setting Goals When You Feel Uncertain

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When you are creating something new, you imagine something that has never existed before. Let each day bring the vision into sharper focus.

Last year at this time, we were staring at a list of annual goals that were soon to be sidelined by a pandemic. Looking back, many of those goals may now seem small or irrelevant, considering what we've now learned about ourselves and humanity.

Within a few weeks, life as we'd known it would change in ways we could never have imagined. And as I predicted, change keeps coming.

As I listen to CEO's goal-set this year, they've largely abandoned the strict "daily action items" course of action in favor of a more fluid approach. (I will explain how to do this below.)

We have within us an unprecedented desire to PRODUCE. To imagine, then execute, despite setbacks. It's how we humans are hard-wired, and a year of deferred projects has only made us more restless to accomplish something.

And for those of us who are compassionate disrupters, that something will positively help humanity.

The world needs what you have to give--to get that idea out there and make it real. The world is waiting for YOU.

With that, let me give you a few of my best coaching tips to help you keep taking action this year, even though you may not feel like you know what the hell you are doing each day.

Here are the steps:

  1. Get clear on what the essence is of what you want.

  2. With the end goal in mind, create action steps to get you there.

  3. Follow your intuition, now more than ever.

  4. Always plan on it taking longer than you think.

  5. Know it will never end up exactly as you envision it.

Let me explain:

First, I always have my clients get as clear as possible on what they want to achieve. But the trick is this: don't be specific about a particular thing, but how you want the result to feel once you reach it.

Here's why: when you are creating something new, you imagine something that has never existed before. And your imagination is limited. Stick with the inspirational idea you have in mind and let each day bring the vision into sharper focus.

Next, create the specific, actionable items to get you to the goal. In order to manifest your project, you will likely be required to learn new skills and bring in additional resources along the way.

It can feel overwhelming and arduous or...

Each day when you wake up, remind yourself of the passion that fuels you, and have fun with it. That is the choice you must make again and again.

Change, failure, and revision will be a part of your creative process. You will have days when you feel bewildered. Use that time to stop, reflect, then act again.

Life will disrupt your plans, but you must keep going. Focus. Refocus.

If you use this process, then the result will have taken into account the changes around you.

And each night, you will rest your head on your pillow, knowing you've accomplished something meaningful. What more can you hope for?

What are you working on? We want to know!

Tami Green, America's most respected life coach, has received magical endorsements by experts from Harvard and Baylor University and the past president of the American Psychiatric Association. She received her coaching certification from Oprah's enchanting life coach, Dr. Martha Beck. She is a brilliant coach who has helped thousands achieve an exhilarated life through her coaching, classes, and conferences. To see more tips like these, visit her website: and join the class at



