Work to Live, Not the Other Way Around

Guest blogger: Victoria Tate

Work to Live…

Work to Live!.png

I like to think my life is about working to live, not the other way around. (That’s what I keep telling myself anyway.) One thing I work very hard for is a vacation. I live life to experience new things in new places with the people I love and have fun with, and I am damn good at it. Many people think vacations are unattainable because of the money. As daunting as it seems, you’ll come to realize quickly that that perspective is just plain stupid for most of us. As a 20 something woman making enough money to support me but not enough to up and leave to go to Europe tomorrow, it is all about planning. You can go on a badass vacation to Vegas or Disney World or California or wherever you want, you just have to plan. And by plan I mean plan everything. Plan when you are going to travel, how you will get there, how many people you need to go to split the costs, how much you can budget on hotel and food, and most importantly, booze. Well, sight-seeing is fun too. But. Booze. Don’t forget that.

Work to Live Principle #1: Location, location, location

First things first, timing is everything. Planning when you are going to a location is probably one of the most important things. Obviously, you wouldn’t go to New York City on New Year’s Eve and plan to save a ton of money. Plan during the offseason. I pride myself in having friends that do all sorts of kinds of jobs, from teaching to bartending to being stay at home moms. So, luckily for us, we can usually travel on the weekdays during the summer. This works for my teacher girls because they are off work and works for my service industry friends because they don’t have to ask off over a weekend. For many places where children congregate (aka NOT DISNEY WORLD), summer is the offseason, especially if you are venturing down south to a place like Texas with blistering heat. For instance, I am currently planning a trip for three to New Orleans for four days and the basics of the trip will cost us no more than $150 for each person. This includes gas, hotel, and parking. Pretty sweet, right? Tons of people go to New Orleans around Mardi Gras, not the summer, so that is saving money right there. It is super easy to find information online about high-volume seasons to wherever you want to travel and much of it is common sense. If you want to travel to a Florida beach in the middle of summer, then that’s where a fuck ton of other people will be, making places to stay less available and therefore the places more expensive (supply and demand, yo).

Work to Live Principle #2: Choose Your Stuff Well

After you pick the dates that work for you, it is time to book a hotel (and flight, if you need one). Check all of your options on these. While checking out places like Expedia or can get you a smoking deal, they sometimes tack on extra charges in taxes and fees. Be a smarty pants and check out the actual hotel or airline’s website before you book to make sure you aren’t getting duped. The one thing that has never disappointed me is GROUPON travel. The amount of amazing hotels and vacation packages on this website is insane and super cheap. Again though, don’t be a dumb ass, check out the fine print so you can know what you are getting into. Make sure that the location is where you need it to be. The actual location of the hotel and its proximity to where you are planning on spending the most time is a big deal. For example, if you are going to Vegas for the weekend and you aren’t planning on driving (or planning on doing lots of drinking) and you book a hotel ten miles away from the strip; you just blew all your savings on cab rides.

Work to Live Principle #3: Just go for it!

So there you have it -you Goddess of Vacation- you. You have picked your time based on low travel traffic and you got a sweet, cheap hotel with a low possibility of dealing with hookers or being shanked. Finally, you have to start saving money as soon as you book your trip; spending money that is. So say you have five months until you leave and you are allowing yourself $500 in spending money. Make it easy for yourself and save $100 a month, simple right? This method works great for friends that earn a paycheck. Many of my bartender friends and I save ten bucks a shift. Working four or five nights a week adds up to between $160 and 200 bucks! This takes the last-minute pressure off.

Obviously, use whatever saving method works for you. Nicole saves 100 bucks a month and puts it in her freezer, not in her bank account. That way it is less accessible and she is less likely to spend it. (She is coming on the trip with me so you know she’s got it now; Message me if you want her address and are into robbing people’s houses, I take a forty percent cut.)

Work to Live Principle #3 Addendum: Just go for it (within reason)

Most importantly perhaps, is making sure that you don’t use the money for something else unless you have absolutely no other choice. The best part of living is exploring new things; and even if times are rough and your schedule is busy, you deserve the break and the time to clear your mind. You work hard, and a good vacation will help you be more productive. It is proven by science or something.

So. For a rockin’ trip, all you have to do is budget, plan, and not be an idiot. Most importantly, go have a f***ing good time with the people that you love.

-Victoria Tate

Published July 21, 2014

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