Tami Green | Life Coach | Texas REALTOR

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Things You Didn't Know to Put On Your Resume

My greatest pleasure as a life coach has been helping people connect with their individuality, then watching them fly once they lean into it.

One of the fun ways to do this is to have my clients create a fresh resume. You have so much more to offer the world or a potential employer than you know!

I take my clients through a unique process that takes their eyes off of what a company is looking for and makes them focus on what makes them tick, which is, of course, the pre-requisite to finding soul and wallet-fulfilling work.

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See my resume here: https://www.tamigreen.com/about-tami-green

Plus, by adding these to your resume, when the time comes to trade-up to a better job, you'll be the candidate who stands out.

Here's the list:

  • What do you do for fun?

  • What hobbies do you have?

  • What courses or classes have you taken?

  • What apps do you use?

  • What is something hard that you've overcome?

  • List your soft skills!

  • Where have you volunteered?

  • What charities have you given to?

  • What makes you uniquely you? Are you good at crafts or organizing kids? Are you are creative problem-solver?

  • What have you had to learn to help you cope in life?

  • What problems have you solved?

  • Certifications.

  • Special recognition.

  • Endorsements (if you don't have them, get them from those you've served--people like helping other people in this way.)

  • Portfolio of your work. Even if you aren't in a creative field, show them what you can do.

  • Picture of you.

  • Video of you addressing the company specifically. Making one will also boost your confidence during the interview process.

  • Articles or interviews.

Think: How can you stand out, be original, or add more color to your resume.

Comment below if you came up with something new to add to your resume!

For more ideas, get the free eBook, What's Next for You: Self Discovery Guide.

Tami Green, America's Most Respected Life Coach, has helped people connect with their inner greatness and build their dream life for almost two decades. You can schedule a coaching session with her here.